76 Days till Christmas

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Red Squirrel
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76 Days till Christmas

Post by Red Squirrel »

I added a count down on the home page. Hopefully it's actually accurate, we'll see with time. :lol:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3821, old post ID:31006
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76 Days till Christmas

Post by richardj »

QUESTION ME THIS___________________

Why do we celebrate the birth of Christ in December---------When He was born in September?? :grade11math:

Oh-------THAT'S right---------------------------Christmas has virtually nothing to do with Christ-----DOES IT? :rolleyes:


23 DECEMBER 2004

Bush Cancels Christmas; Dec. 25 now 'Freedom Day'

As a U.S. general admitted facing "an increasingly organized and well-armed insurgency" at the North Pole, President Bush issued an order permanently expunging Christmas from the calendar.

"While U.S. troops risk their lives facing the supporters of that cruel and evil dictator Santa Claus and his network of terrorists all around the world, we can no longer condone celebrating their terror-filled holiday as part of our nation's calendar," Bush stated at a White House press conference. "Therefore, I have ordered that Christmas be removed from the calendar."

Christmas has long been at odds with American and Christian values, Bush said. "The orgy of greed and gluttony that we call Christmas has always offended decent God-fearing Americans. Extremist ideas such as 'peace on earth' and 'good will to all men' are foolish, dishonest, and out of touch with the mainstream of America, as my resounding victory in this year's election clearly demonstrates."

December 25 will still be a holiday, Bush said, but from this year forward it will be known as "Freedom Day." He urged Americans to support the U.S. troops by "going out, buying gifts, and enjoying your Freedom Day. Because, if you don't, the terrorists have already won."

15 DECEMBER 2004

US Launches Pre-emptive Invasion of North Pole

The United States is at war with the North Pole.

Addressing Americans on national TV, President Bush said the Arctic invasion was "justified" and "unavoidable" because of Santa Claus's refusal to destroy his huge stockpiles of toys of mass destruction.

"We can't afford to wait while Satanic, uh, Santa Claus continues with his insane scheme to rain destruction upon the United States of America.

"Some other nations, such as Canada, France, and every other nation on Earth, are not convinced that Santa Claus is a threat. They say they would prefer to resolve the situation through negotiation. But the time has passed for negotiation.

"I have always said that America will go it alone if necessary in taking action to protect our nation, and this is one of those times when it is necessary."

Bush predicted a swift victory, saying that most U.S. troops would be home by Christmas. :awesome:

Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3821, old post ID:31010
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Red Squirrel
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76 Days till Christmas

Post by Red Squirrel »

LMAO that's freaken hilarious. :D

Toys of mass destruction. LOL


Archived topic from Iceteks, old topic ID:3821, old post ID:31013
Honk if you love Jesus, text if you want to meet Him!