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TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:57 pm
by dprantl
For boots of construction, how about make them with a base of 10% phys resist and random increase, just like horseman's helm?

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35807

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:29 pm
by Death
dprantl wrote:For boots of construction, how about make them with a base of 10% phys resist and random increase, just like horseman's helm?
Could look into doing something similar. How about a changing resist? So there would be a 10% for phys, fire, cold, energy or poison.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35808

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:44 pm
by ggkthx
Sure, that sounds cool actually, would need a name change tho.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35809

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:57 pm
by Death
ggkthx wrote:Sure, that sounds cool actually, would need a name change tho.
Ya that's okay we'll think of something fitting.

We'll make a few more changes to the brace of paracelsus and the boots and see what we can do. Once those are done we'll post the changes for row 3.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35810

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:02 pm
by ggkthx
Let me pitch this as a replacement:
Boots of Protection: 10% base random resist, possible increase up to 25-35%, whatever % you think is good.

5% DCI

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35811

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:33 pm
by Ixxie
Those would be cool. :)

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35825

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:24 am
by Death
The second row will continue to be worked on for the construction boots and the paracelus bracelet. Due to red's drive's failing there will be a small delay in some of the changes as TC1/DEV is currently down.

Most of row three was gathered before the drive issue so you can take a look at the orange entries on the first post. Not all of them are currently available but will be once everything is sorted:

Row 3:

Trash Bag (AOA)
Wrath of Timmins (AOA)
Achilles Heel (AOA)
Armor Ignore (AOA)
Butcher's Tool (AOA)
Dark Aura (AOA)
Death Ring (AOA)
Devastation (AOA)
Dismount King (AOA)
Arcane Earrings (AOA)
Fisherman's Tendon (AOA)
Wheel of Fortune (AOA)
Infection (AOA)
Elegance (GAOA)

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35855

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:33 am
by Nexus Graveheart
Trash Bag: Sounds good to me. As Bubbles said, it has great bonuses for dealing with monsters that have massive lootpacks, and it also helps with fishing. I am all for it becoming an easily available item.

Wrath of Timmins: Good change.

Armor Ignore: I agree. I know I always spun this if I got it, and I can't recall anyone ever using one. Granted, I have not seen all players, so someone out there may have one in their list of weapons.

Butcher's Tool: Either name is fine with me.

Dark Auroa: I see no reason to keep this in the list. I spin this every time. Better weapons are out there in abundance. The SSI negative is too large compared with the good properties (unless there is something I don't see).

Death Ring: I imagine this would be a better discussion when we come along to the changes to Ring of the Dead, as it is a hefty difference. At first glance I like the changes to the Ring of the Dead, but I would be interested in hearing the opinions of those who use the ring as a part of their suit.

Devastation: Looks good to me.

Dismount King: I knew a few people who used this in the past, and because of that I would resist its removal. But, like the Ring of the Dead, I will defer until I hear the opinion of those who have used it.

Fisherman's Tendon: I like it, but I think the resists should be changed. Perhaps something more even across the board. And a name change. If it stays as Pauper's Prime, then make it a rare reward from begging. Resists maybe 15/10/10/20/10, subject to review of course.

Wheel of Fortune: Definitely change the name. This is a popular one, so removal or change will be contested. I would move it to a more difficult to obtain drop list. Either a Greater AoA or a Doom drop, maybe even a special drop from a champion.

Infection: This change looks excellent. I really like it.

Elegance: Love it.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35856

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:02 pm
by ggkthx
Trash Bag: woot.

Wrath of Timmins: Sure.

Armor Ignore: Goodbye yellow sword, we barely knew ye.

Butcher's Tool: I liked the name, but indifferent really.

Dark Auroa: Nice hit fireball, but with the -SSI has anyone ever used this?

Death Ring: I like that SDI, but not enough to have ever used it, wasn't quite worth it. So, change seems fine?

Devastation: Sure.

Dismount King: See also: Armor Ignore.

Fisherman's Tendon: I like this. Liked the item with the fishing bonus, but random bonus items are fun.

Wheel of Fortune: Like this shield, and actually really liked the current name. But name changes I can get over whether I like them or not.

Infection: Interesting. Thought it was cool before, though I never used it. New version seems alright too. I imagine I will continue not using it.

Elegance: Cool change.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35860

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:34 pm
by Daelan
Wheel of Fortune: Like this shield, and actually really liked the current name. But name changes I can get over whether I like them or not.

Names are fun ways to give something a your shard only thing and adds a bit of fun as well.
Maybe some White gloves named Vanna White's Mittens of dex. plus bonus to not be disarmed? She was good at holding things, seems like a good pun.
Armor piece (or Ultra super pink shoes) called Pat Sajack which makes your char say something totally random and stupid. Oh yes I would wear it all the times
Really what I am trying to input is try to keep the special names on your Items a good Pun is really hard to beat for a laugh.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35866

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:35 pm
by Ixxie

oh Daelan. How you do go on...

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35870

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:06 pm
by Death
Daelan wrote: Names are fun ways to give something a your shard only thing and adds a bit of fun as well.
Maybe some White gloves named Vanna White's Mittens of dex. plus bonus to not be disarmed? She was good at holding things, seems like a good pun.
Armor piece (or Ultra super pink shoes) called Pat Sajack which makes your char say something totally random and stupid. Oh yes I would wear it all the times
Really what I am trying to input is try to keep the special names on your Items a good Pun is really hard to beat for a laugh.
The shard actually has a lot of hidden "easter eggs" and inside jokes or puns. The casino has a few of them, think there's still a box of timbits somewhere.

Skara Brae may still have the giant pint of Guinness in the center which we will likely move at some point but keep in the game somewhere secret to make the game interesting. UO has a large history of special "spots" and hidden secrets. This is a tradition which is followed on AOV by the staff and devs.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35877

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:23 pm
by Red Squirrel
Haha I forgot about the casino, with the Dell server rack lol.

I kinda liked the name Wrath of Timmins, but we agreed to part with it. That one is kinda an inside joke too. The town Death and I are from is very cold, and it's a mining town, so it fitted well. :P

Lightning shoes is also an inside joke. It's actually based on a post someone made on another forum about speed hackers. The post was just so funny and he used the word "lightning shoes" which I thought was epic for an artifact name. The added lightning bolt effect adds a finishing touch.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35882

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:32 pm
by Ixxie
i've actually been to Timmins. my ex grew up in kirkland lake and all of his scary psychotic family still lives in the frigid frozen north. It's VERY fitting.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35886

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:29 pm
by ggkthx
Red Squirrel wrote:The added lightning bolt effect adds a finishing touch.
I know someone, and I'm not naming any names, who sat around taking their Lightning Shoes off and putting them on again over and over again for quite some time after finding out they made that lightning.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35890

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:30 pm
by Ixxie
It was Daelan :wink:

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35891

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:31 pm
by ggkthx
Elani wrote:It was me. :wink:

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35893

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:44 pm
by Ixxie

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35894

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:29 pm
by Nexus Graveheart
I have no problem with inside jokes and whatnot when it comes to item names. However, I am a roleplayer at heart, have been ever since I joined UO. I always love items that have a historical relation to UO and AoV lore. As well as unique locations. (Brunus once created a shadow stone table-set near one of the virtue shrines at the conclusion of the "Tower of Air" event that has, sadly, since been removed) That being said, I do like the easter eggs at the Casino.

For me, the Wheel of Fortune has always been a reference to the show, not as an accompaniment to the Armor of Fortune. My personal preference for all item names is that they fall in with UO lore, and more importantly, AoV lore. We have our own story here.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35896

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:47 pm
by ggkthx
For me it's always been a wheel (a round wooden thing) that gives you fortune (luck), hence the name.

Just kidding, always reminds me of the Magic card.


Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:35898

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:21 pm
by Death
Haven't forgotten about this, just been really busy the last week. I'll continue this list as soon as I can.

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:36038

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:03 am
by ggkthx
Thanks for the update.
Can't wait to see more stuff to bitch about...errr, comment on. :wink:

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:36041

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:53 pm
by Death
Row 4 has been posted. Please take a look at the changes, they are located on the first post of this thread and will be highlighted in orange.

The following list is a list of previous items that have had some more changes made to them or have had some concerns. If you have any additional opinions on the items in purple or orange, please feel free to post your opinions.

The items with changes or concerns are the following:

The Barrier
Brace of Paracelsus
Boots of Construction
Achilles Heel
Dark Auroa
Death Ring
Dismount King
Arcane Earrings
Fisherman's Tendon
Wheel of Fortune

ROW 4 Item Changes:

Dread Miner Hands
Pierce of the Roman
Robe of Regen
Wrath of the Jackal
The Cat Foot
Robe of a Fallen Gypsy
Tentacle's Talon
The Vanquisher
Warrior's Bow
Lantern of Souls
Arkazza's Mystical Hat
Bracelet of Travel
The Cursed Protector
Tiger Teeth Earrings

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:36043

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:33 pm
by ggkthx
Arcane earrings are just so bad. (and always have been)

Wyvern's Barb, interesting, no complaints.

Devil's Grasp, sure.

Odin's Spear, pretty cool, better than Pierce of Roman was.

Regen Robes are pretty bad, except for 5 MR if you need it, but ok.

Wrath of Jackal -> Pyrolisk's Furor, sure.

Cat Foot -> Arcane Demon horns, sure, like it.

Robe of Gypsy -> GAoA, yeah, makes sense.

Tentacle's Talon, looks nice.

Vanquisher... Considering how easy it is to get awful ones, seems like a bummer of a GAoA, especially with the DI that no needed it for removed.

Warrior's Bow, dunno why I sort of like it, but ok, wouldn't fight it.

Lantern, odd change imho, but I'm indifferent.

Akazza's Hat, ok, sure.

Orb of Moons, sounds good.

Blackrock chest seems pretty terrible. I'd stack em on a roof if they existed, wouldn't be sad if they didn't.

Tiger Teeth earrings... Wow. Biggest, and worst nerf I've seen on the list so far? It was always debatable if dexxers should wear tiger teeth earrings or something else, but the answer was usually yes. Now one of my probably top 5 favorite Valor items looks just terrible. :evil:

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:36044

TC1 FEEDBACK: Artifact Changes

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:54 pm
by dprantl
Blackrock chest - How about make it all 30 resists, keep dex -15, give it Mage Armor and FC -1? That would make it an interesting item.

Orb of Moons - Sweet! Although, isn't there a moon rock item type? May be better suited than the glass orb.

Tiger teeth earrings - Ouch, that's bad. Making them on par with arcane earrings... :(

Lantern is a really interesting one, I like it.

Nystul's hat, nice touch.

Vanquisher - I agree, it is not easy to find good ones, why remove the DI?

Archived topic from AOV, old topic ID:5902, old post ID:36045